Excellently written texts
Die Klasse 5d der Diltheyschule wagte sich zum ersten Mal an eine Lektüre – auf Englisch! Es handelte sich dabei um "Maisie and the Dolphin" von Stephen Rabley. Um was es in dem Buch geht und wie es den Kindern gefallen hat, kann man hier nachlesen:
Judith wrote:
The author of "Maisie and the dolphin" is Stephen Rabley. The story is about a friendship between a dolphin and a girl and plays in the Bahamas.
One day Maisie and her granddad see a boat and the boat hits the dolphin. Then she and her granddad bring the dolphin to her parents’ hospital. She hears that a man from America wants to buy the house and the hospital. Maisie is very upset. Maisie and the dolphin have got a friendship but the dolphin must go back to the ocean. There they find a box. It is a treasure with thousands of gold coins in it. With the gold coins they can build a new hospital.
In my opinion, the book is very great because Maisie’s family is very nice to animals. I like Maisie’s character best because Maisie is brave. She helps the dolphin. "Maisie and the dolphin" is a book for children. I recommend the book because it’s a very great book for kids.
Kevin wrote:
The author of my book is Stephen Rabley. He has written the book "Maisie and the dolphin". And the topic is friendship.
In the novel, there is a girl. Her name is Maisie. She is thirteen years old. She lives in the Bahamas in a house near the Freeport - Animal - Hospital, her family lives with her. One day she and her granddad take the "Warm Wind" (the boat’s name) and then she dives. Underwater she finds a piece of wood with the letters MNA. She swims back to the boat and sees that an American ship hits a dolphin. She and her granddad take the dolphin to Freeport-Animal-Hospital. Maisie’s mother is a doctor and she can help Ben, the dolphin. One day Maisie brings him back to the sea. He swims and has got a key in his mouth. Maisie takes the key and dives to a box underwater. Then she finds a lot of gold coins in it. With the money they can build a new hospital.
In my opinion, the book is interesting because I read novels in English for the first time. I like Maisie’s character best because she likes animals. This book is a novel and a book for children. I recommend the book because it helps you to improve your English.
Vanessa wrote:
The novel "Maisie and the dolphin" by Stephen Rabley is about a girl who saves a dolphin. The girl lives in the Bahamas. The parents must sell the hospital and their house. The dolphin is injured and goes with the girl to the hospital. Underwater the girl finds a piece of wood and the dolphin a key. Together they find a treasure. Then they don´t have to sell the hospital and their house. The girl and the dolphin are big friends!
In my opinion, the book is not so good, because it isn’t exciting when a girl and a dolphin just find a treasure. In the book doesn´t happen much. I like Maisie’s character best because she helps other people and animals. She is nice to people and very brave. "Maisie and the dolphin" is a novel for children. I don’t recommend the book because it isn’t so good.
Louisa wrote:
The novel "Maisie and the dolphin" by Stephan Rabley is about the friendship between a girl and dolphin.
Maisie and her grandfather do a trip on his boat. They find an injured dolphin and bring it to Freeport Animal Hospital. Three weeks later Ben, the dolphin, is strong again. Maisie and her grandfather take Ben out to the sea. But Ben comes back to them and brings them an old key. Maisie dives with him and finds a box with thousand gold coins. With the money from the box Maisie`s family builds a new hospital.
In my opinion, the book is exciting and nice because in the beginning you don’t know if Ben gets well again and if Carl Flint buys the hospital and the house. The story is nice because the friendship between Maisie and Ben is very strong.
I like Maisie´s character best because she is very helpful and likes animals. Maisie is brave, too. "Maisie and the dolphin" is a short novel. I recommend the book because it is written very nicely.
Kirsten Onnfryk